We are now one third of the way through the 100 Days!
Today Shane saw the Consultant, Dr Cam Curley, and all appears to be going well.
His blood counts are all fine, except his platelets which are really sensitive to some of his current medications. Shane's skin is going really well. He's been advised to reduce his steroid creams to see how the systemic steroids are working to manage GVHD. They are slowly working to reduce the need for steroids and immunosupression. Shane and Leapin Leeroy Loggins will just have to learn to live together!
The last few days Shane has been experiencing some unusual shaking, especially of his hands. It makes things difficult because he's already so weak so handling things like cups of tea is tricky! Apparently its from the Tacro (immunosuppression) and is a common side effect. This will improve as they start to reduce the Tacro.
The best news of today is the double negative result of his CMV test. This means he no longer has to be on the gancyclovir - the pump he's been connected to this last week. You can tell that Shane is just so relieved to be free of this baggage!
The scales have also been kind. Shane has put on about 1.5kgs! Food choices seem to be broadening, as we try different foods plus I think Shane's tastes are improving in general. He finished a meal on the weekend and said "That was good". He actually enjoyed the meal! Great!
Energy is also getting better every day. Shane hasn't done much exercise yet, but he's certainly kept busy since coming home. We are getting well underway with our plans of doing things around the house. The exercise will happen soon enough. Shane is really motivated to get moving!
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