Sunday, 3 February 2013

Day 17

Today has been a much better day! Shane has been feeling much better overall even if he is still a little emotional. I think it has been a better day because food is starting regain some of its taste!

A magical pumpkins soup worked a treat today thank you to Lindsay and Kent!

We were hoping today for a day pass out of here, but the request was unfortunately rejected. Which is fair enough after yesterday being such a crappy day. However, preparations are being made for discharge soon. One of the amazing nurses just spent the last 40mins educating us about what to be aware of when leaving hospital. The list is pretty full on, but much of it we have done before. What makes it more complex this time is GVHD and things to be looking for. GVHD can have deadly consequences so its really important to act quickly when needed.  

Shane is now off his TPN (nutrition) and is steadily consuming his meds in tablet form instead of IV. In  the last few days Shane has experienced what is called steriod-induced diabetes. When you combine both high dose steroids and TPN it a recipe for diabetes. We have seen his blood sugar readings above 20 (normal rage 6-10). Short acting insulin was started last week, but today they started long acting insulin in addition. Now the TPN has been ceased, his blood sugar levels should start to improve, but it is likely he will need to continue the insulin when he returns home.  

We thoroughly enjoyed a game of Yatzee with Kyle, Lissy and Jenga. There is nothing like Yatzee to get the endorphins going and to have a good laugh! And yes, the Yatzee Queen was back in fine form!

Tomorrow will hopefully see Shane come home for the afternoon. He has a date with the Lounge!


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