Saturday, 2 February 2013

Day 16

Today has not been much fun to say the least. Shaney has been feeling really lethargic today and with fatigue like this, he becomes very emotional. He has held it together for so long it has been amazing, but today has really tested his spirits.

The doctors have turned down his TPN (nutrition) from 90 on Thursday, to 60 yesterday and now to 40 today. So he's now on less than half, but the problem is eating. Due to the radiation Shane's tastes buds have changed, and foods he would ordinarily enjoy, now taste awful. Many foods are simply unbearable, and the rest, are only marginally bearable. I can't imagine a life where food tastes bad!

To add insult to injury, Shane's tummy is unable to hold down much food, or its processing it too quickly. A condition called refeeding syndrome. He has now been put on a lactose free diet, and a sample has been sent for investigations to ensure its not GVHD of the gut or another bug.

In the mean time we wait and perservere.

His blood counts today are: WBCs - 3.1, Neuts 2.54.

All else is continuing to improve.

Last night Shane named his new immune system - "Leaping Leroy Loggins". Aptly named after a famous basketballer. I tell Shane that both he and Leroy need to behave themselves!

Leroy is doing a wonderful job!  


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