Shane is now connected to his pump. Today he had a PICC line put in, much more successfully than last time!
He will be connected to this pump until Friday, which we thought was the last day of this treatment, but today he discovered that this may not be the case.
If you remember the treatment is for the Cytomegalo virus, the treatment is will cease when blood tests show no active virus. That could be another three weeks away!
Life connected to the pump is a pain in the butt. This bag has to go everywhere, even to the bathroom in the middle of the night. It has to remain hung over one shoulder when moving, and is very difficult hold it and carry a back-pack at the same time. In saying that, this is a better option than staying in hospital!
Blood tests today show that his counts have all picked up. Neuts are a very healthy 4.73!
This is Shane with his Tech-deck skate ramp! Its a hard life!
Just a short blog tonight, as Im sure you are still processing last nights post. Thanks for all of your comments. This blog is a big commitment for me to write each day so I really appreciate your feedback.
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