Happy Australia Day!
What a difference a day makes! Shane is like another person today compared to yesterday!
Since starting on his steroids, Shane's temps have ceased. Incredible! His rash is no longer inflamed, but still very red. He is also talking, and swallowing!
I can't tell you how elated I was to be woken up this morning by a phone call from Shane. I've haven't spoken to him on the phone for over a week as he's barely been able to talk! It was such a nice, surprising start to my day!
Methylprednisolone is the steroid used to treat this condition. It is used to suppress the immune system to reduce the inflammatory response. It also promotes feelings of wellbeing as it provides Shane with some energy. It also keeps him awake all night!
Shane will be on this very high dose for two weeks, then they will slowly taper it down. The rash needs to be gone by then.
Today Shane asked the nurses to turn off one of his pain medications as it was starting to send him loopy! I have had a very entertaining day watching him talk to himself and hallucinating! The funny thing is, he's very aware of it. He dozes off quickly and wakes up just a quickly! His throat pain isn't as bad now so he doesn't need all three pain medications to be running any more. Unfortunately he's not enjoying this trip!
This is the first Australia Day in over 10 years that we've spent away from our traditional Hottest 100 celebration at the Charlton Hilton. Thanks so much for my visitor today with an extra special serve of my favourite potato bake! We hope you all had a great, albeit wet, day!
Aussie Aussie Aussie!
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