Thursday, 31 January 2013

Day 14

Standiupicuddles are just the best! Each time Shaney stands up, I snake my way into his arms. His hugs are just so important to me, and I don't realise how much I miss them until I am back in arms again.

Last time he was in hospital, it was over three weeks before I got a real hug from him. It happened when he went down to have an MRI. I try to keep him company whenever his has to leave the ward to have tests etc. Sometimes they let me stay, sometimes they don't. So on this particular day, down in MRI, Shane had to transfer from one bed to another, but decided to stand for a minute to have a stretch. Well, I couldn't resist the opportunity to sneak into his personal space and sneak in a little cuddle. I cried. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. My hubby was alive and he was standing beside me holding me!

The MRI did answer a long debated question within our household. Yes, there is evidence of grey matter in Shane's brain. Here's a piccy to prove it:

I love his Homer Simpson eyeballs!

Today Shane has continued progressing. They have stopped his Lasics as his fluid balance has improved. His liver function is much better and his skin is much better.

WBCs: 2.3 (range 4.0-11.0), Neuts 1.36 (range 2.0-8.0). We are so close to no longer being neutropaenic!


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