Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Day 13

Another day another surprise. 

Shane can change in a heart beat. 

Each day his skin has shown good improvement, but today, he looks... Normal! Its so nice to see you back honey! There are bits still peeling, and still some redness, but overall remarkably improved. He got some beautiful baby skin coming through on his face! People pay a lot of money to get the kind of peel Shane has had! 

There are a couple of things I forgot to mention yesterday. Shane no longer requires oxygen to maintain his oxygen saturation! He is also talking and swallowing without trouble now!

So today I have encouraged him to start eating more clear fluids (broths etc) to begin preparing his gut for solid foods. We have also discussed with the nurse about reducing his TPN to increase his hunger (and drive to eat) as well as changing his meds over to pills where possible. The more he can become self sufficient, the better his chances of coming home sooner!

WBCs: 2.0, Neuts: 1.07. Liver ultrasound all clear. Good improvements all round!  

A day in the life of Shane Prosser: 

0400: Observations (obs), bloods and meds.

0700: Nurse handover (introduction to today's nurses), Breakfast (if he's eating), more meds.

0800: Obs, Meds, Shane showers, mouthwash (cant use a toothbrush while platelets low), more sleep if possible. Drinks cart comes around. TV.

1000: Morning tea, TV, meds. Drs visit.

1200: Lunch, meds, Obs, Mouthwash, visitors, TV. 

1230: Post lunch drinks, TV, sleep.

1400: Afternoon tea, TV, sleep some more. 

1500: Nurse Handover, TV, snooze.

1600: Obs, meds, weight, line checks, TV, sleep.

1700: Dinner, mouthwash, more visitors, TV, sleep, 

1730: Drinks, TV, snooze some more. 

2000: TV, nagging from wife, obs, meds, sleep.

2300: Nurse Handover, sleep.  

2400: Obs.

So there really no rest for the Wicked!


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