You may have noticed that the days are counting backwards. This is because transplant day is Day 0. Then we count forwards from there until Day 100. Day 100 is the key milestone to reach post transplant. It marks the rough cross over where a patient can experience "acute" graft versus host disease (GVHD) and "chronic" GVHD. It also means that the stem cells have taken residence in the bone marrow and are providing some immunity to infection, and hopefully the leukaemia.
Today is the second day of chemo for Shane and some side effects are starting to become apparent. The nurses always have a really nice and polite way of talking about these side effects. For example they might say "abdominal discomfort" where as our family are a little more crude and call it "runny bums"! Either way, it's not an overly pleasant experience, but we know from the past that there are worse things than mild runny bums!
Shane's pole has been affectionately named "Charlotte" courtesy of our good friend Lotta. Thanks!
Tomorrow Shane starts Total Body Radiation (TBI) and will have this for three days. The majority of chemo has finished for now. There will be some small amounts of chemo later, but for a different purpose.
Good night xx
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