This last week has been a busy one. There is a whole gamete of tests that are done before and after the transplant. This includes lung function, ECG, specialised blood tests, dermatologist, chest X-ray, Dentist, Bone Marrow Asperate (BMA). Monday and Tuesday were very busy with getting to all of these appointments. Thanks to Ash for keeping Shane company on Monday, and taking this classic pic of Shane in his dental eyewear glory!
So, after having all these tests, there is the long and anxious wait for the results.
Friday was spent waiting all day at the hospital. Each time the Doctor opened his door, my heart skipped a beat. When finally we were in to see the Doctor he was able to run us through all the results.
- Usual blood tests were normal
- Kidney and Liver function were all fine
- CMV negative
- Lung function has improved
- ECG normal
- Teeth are fine
- Skin a little problematic
- Warts on hand removed
- BMA clear - phew!
Immunology results were interesting. There are a variety of cells responsible for immune response. These include B-cells (which are the type of cell that have been warped in Shane), T-cells (usually responsible for GVHD), NK-cells (Natural Killer cells - good for graft vs leukaemia effect). Despite being on a considerable amount of immunosuppression, Shane has no B-cells, some T-cells and a good amount of NK-cells. Dr Cam Curley appeared to be happy with this result. Good NK-cell numbers appears to equal better long term survival.
So all this good news meant only one thing:
Warning, although not gory, its not for the faint-hearted either! (hopefully this video works! Otherwise I'll post it to FB).
The PICC line is the most prominent reminder about Shane's current predicament. Without that line, he is no longer defined as a Cancer patient, but as Shane Prosser.
The Man.
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