Saturday, 11 May 2013

First Week of Freedom

This week has been a busy one! Shane's energy is gradually gracing us with its presence!

Medically everything is going really well. Steroids are dropping down to 2.5mg today which means that next week they'll be gone!

Last weekend we finally got in the water. Although it was a beautiful, glassy day and there wasn't that much swell, there was plenty of sweep in the water. It was a struggle to walk / paddle out against the sweep and poor Shane's arms gave way when he went to duck-dive! When we finally got out the back, behind the waves, there was a really strong sweep heading back the other way, so needless to say we were swept up the beach quite quickly. Shane just didn't have any strength to paddle continuously against it. We eventually paddled back in and I left Shane on the beach to surf again. We might have been at the beach for maybe half an hour, but it was so worth the trip up!

Shane has been much more motivated to exercise this week. He's so keen to get back in the water for a decent surf. If you don't surf, or don't have a passion that drives you, you won't understand. For surfers, you do anything and everything to get back there again. Time away from the water is like torture. This gives us plenty of motivation to improve Shane's fitness.

With improved energy, we see Shane's personality come to light. When fatigued, Shane's sense of humour disappears. For those that know us, understand that Shane and I are larrikins, and love a good laugh. This week there has been plenty of laughter, and good humoured banter. I have missed this so much. During times of struggle, humour has always kept us afloat, but this time, my attempts to keep Shane smiling have often gone unnoticed, or even rejected:( So you can understand why I am so happy to have this part of him back to normal!

He told me a joke this week before we went to sleep - and it kept us giggling like school girls for ages after:

"A dyslexic walks into a bra"

... Yep, he's still talking about that joke.


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