Monday, 22 April 2013

Day 95

Yes, Shane is wearing undies on his head. 

You can understand the hardship we have suffered when you see this picture. We've had to create new ways of having fun and, for me, pinning Shane down while he's too weak to resist is just so much fun! Its just one strategy I've developed to help him get stronger. 

Today I was able to get him out for a walk too. We did 1.25km at a good pace which included a set of stairs. All in 20mins. He'll be sore for a few days, but you know how the first one back is always the hardest. 

This is a far cry from the weekend. 

After my last blog post, things went down hill rapidly. 

Shane's headache increase in severity and intensity. His nausea and vomiting became unbearable and from the look of him, I thought his eyeballs were going to pop out of his head. The nurses ended up calling in the night doctor to sort out some more meds as morphine alone wasn't working much. 

In the end, all this suffering came down to the IV Tacro. They had upped the dose by 20%, and given both friday's and saturday's in relatively quick succession. Shane, who already suffers a neural tremor as a result of this medication, is clearly quite sensitive to the neurotoxic effects. 

Saturday night was horrible. 

Sunday however was a different storey. In the morning Shane was improving, had energy and was hungry. The Doctors decided to go back to the pill form of Tacro and reduce the dose a bit. This was well received. 

In the end, Shane only did one poo the whole weekend. 

So the original complaint became non-existent, the medication changes made him more sick, and they didn't end up doing the scopes as clearly, there was no evidence of GVHD over the weekend. So, all in all, a complete waste of time...

So glad I didn't need that weekend to relax and recover! 

Anyways, we're very grateful to be back at home again. Ah, all is right with the world again! 


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