Thursday, 3 March 2016

Read on before you have a heart attack...

Don't stress. Its just that time of year again when we see funky chins on our bus stops and television adverts. These funky chins tell us to "Be brave and shave". This campaign by the Leukaemia Foundation has been happening as long as I can remember and they only seem to be picking up intensity each and every year.

Over the years various people have shaved and coloured their hair and we have supported them along the way. Its not until this year, that my very brave, big sister told me she was going to shave her head that I stopped and thought more about it.

As much as we don't like to think we're the type of person who judges a book by its cover the truth is, we all do it. Its instinctual and primal and has helped us survive a long time. They say the first 8 seconds of seeing someone your brain is consumed with visual input. It is not until you loose your hair do you realise that we are defined by our looks, and more specifically our hair.

I have been blonde for so long, that when I did change to brunette for 12 months, I startled every time I saw myself in the mirror. So my brain never adjusted to the change as I see myself as a blonde. I can't imagine for the life of me, what it would be like to loose that self-defining feature all together.

Choosing to loose it is one thing, not having a choice is another. Loosing your hair when undergoing chemotherapy suddenly defines you as a "cancer patient". One that stands out like a sore thumb. It is just one major aspect of the body image issues this group of people have. I have known people to refuse treatment purely because they didn't want to loose their hair. At the time I thought that was crazy, but if it was me, I'm not sure how I would really feel. I guess you can never know until you go through it.

So, for a woman, to shave your head is quite a profound act. One that shows solidarity to all those others out there undergoing treatment, be they blood cancers or not. It is even more profound to do it with your young, impressionable girls watching. Nicole, I hope they look back at this moment in their lives and think "Mum was so brave" and, more importantly "I am not defined by how I look, but by who I am". That is the best gift we can give to anyone, let alone our children.

As you have been wondering about what you'll look like afterwards, here is a creative depiction for you! I think its a pretty amazing look!

Every little bit helps, so any small amount of money adds and makes a big difference!

Thanks to Nicole for being so brave, and shaving! Enjoy your new look!

